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"Enhancing the Kingdom of God, Revealing His Grace, Mercy and Love for Broken Vessels."

After close to 40 years in ministry I've made a fascinating discovery. After all these years, instead of a guy trying to push people along in their spiritual growth, I'm Just a Guy on a Journey with others, trying to discover what it means to be a follower of Jesus, capturing the heart of Father in all I do.
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Fresh-Wind Ministries
"Where the Spirit is about to go." Ezekiel 1:12
Dr. Rus is a man of integrity with a very accurate prophetic insight and 'word of the Lord' for current situations. He's insightful and biblically based counsel and instruction are the foundation of his ministry.
Whether hearing him speak publicly, reading his blog, or in personal conversation, I enjoy Dr. Rus' perspective and thoughts. They are always timely, encouraging and constructive.
Dr. Rus doesn't put himself into a box. Yes, he's an ordained minister, evangelical at that. But he's not closed minded (as are some in the religious community). This open mindedness makes him an excellent Christian writer and speaker.