Author Page

After close to 40 years in ministry I’ve made a fascinating discovery. After all these years, instead of a guy trying to push people along in their spiritual growth, I’m Just a Guy on a Journey with others, trying to discover what it means to be a follower of Jesus, capturing the heart of Father in all I do.

Dr. Rus – Just a Guy on a Journey

Books by Dr. Rus

A Year to Wrestle for Your Promise: 2024 Prophetic Primer

Not only does this book contain a Word of the Lord for 2024, it also expands on what the Word says.

God always has a plan, purpose and destiny for our lives. 2024 is a year to Wrestle for Your Promise just as Jacob did in Genesis 30:22-30. This book not only contains a Prophetic Word for the year 2024, but it also expands on the word, encouraging you to know how to Wrestle for Your Promise. Too often prophetic words come and go with little to no explanation as how to see the word come true in your personal life. This 2024 Prophetic Primer encourages you to take the proper steps needed so you can declare as Jacob did – I will not let You go unless you bless me.

Return To Your First Love: A Letter to the Church

Dr. Rus Jeffrey is a writer among writers. His bold approach and application regarding where the church finds itself today will provoke the reader to take a serious look at the 21st century church with a view to shifting and adjusting some things.

Excerpt from Foreword by Elizabeth Hairston-McBurrows, PhD

Now Available: Prophetic Insights for Today Podcast

Since the chaos and abundunce of false words that started coming out in 2020, God is now calling the Prophetic Movement back into proper alignment with Him.

Prophetic Insights for Today takes a fresh look at what needs to be adjusted in the Prophetic Movement and also releases timely words from the Lord encouraging the body of Christ to keep moving forward in this season.

       Available on your favorite app for both Apple and Android phones.

Primer on Prayer Book Series

Vol. 1: The Full Armor of God

Dr. Rus calls this book a primer, it is full of Biblically based sound advice for protecting ourselves from the attacks of the enemy. It's a quick and easy read as Dr. Rus writes from years of experience, and the knowledge he has acquired in his studies.  Recommendation: Kathy Coons - Intercessor

Vol. 2: The Divine Pause

The Divine Pause is grounded in Scripture and personal experience. Set against the backdrop of the world shutting down as Covid-19 raged, The Divine Pause finds points of commonality and connection. The Merriam-Webster Dictionary named authentic as the Word of the Year for 2023.

When something is authentic, it is not false. It is without pretense and is worthy of acceptance. The same is true for The Divine Pause. It is all of that and much, much more.

Excerpt from Foreword by Rev. Deborah Kamm

Vol. 3: Prayer, Not a Spectator Sport

Prayer, Not a Spectator Sport encourages believers to join others on what he calls The Praying Field. This book describes how many believers have turned into spectators in church and prayer.

God is raising up a new generation of Prayer Warriors, intercessors and Prophets to join together and start praying for revival.

Please Note: These books are available on all Amazon sites.

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Fresh-Wind Publishing

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A few of Dr. Rus' favorite books. Coming soon!

More Information


Read Dr. Rus' "Guy on a Journey" thoughts.

Fresh-Wind Ministries

Fresh-Wind Ministries was founded by Rus & Sandra Jeffrey during a time of ministry transition in 2002. Since then Fresh-Wind is now incorporated in both Canada and the United States.

Dr. Rus is a man of integrity with a very accurate prophetic insight and 'word of the Lord' for current situations. His insightful and biblically based counsel and instruction are the foundation of his ministry.

Pastor Kevin Truex
GateWay Ministry - Akron, OH

Dr. Rus is a man of integrity with a very accurate prophetic insight and 'word of the Lord' for current situations. He's insightful and biblically based counsel and instruction are the foundation of his ministry.

Pastor Kevin Truex
GateWay Ministry - Akron, OH

Whether hearing him speak publicly, reading his blog, or in personal conversation, I enjoy Dr. Rus' perspective and thoughts. They are always timely, encouraging and constructive.

Aaron Buchholz
Christian Musician

Dr. Rus doesn't put himself into a box. Yes, he's an ordained minister, evangelical at that. But he's not closed minded (as are some in the religious community). This open mindedness makes him an excellent Christian writer and speaker.

Gary Baumgarten
Shift Editor at Fox News Radio

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